Merge Two Sorted Lists

cd_///** // * Definition for singly-linked list. // * public class ListNode { // * public int val; // * public ListNode next; // * public ListNode(int val=0, ListNode next=null) { / ...

Integer to Roman

cd_ public class Solution { public string IntToRoman(int num) { string roman=""; Dictionary map = new Dictionary(){ {"M",1000}, ...

Roman to Integer

cd_public class Solution { public int RomanToInteger(string s) { int num=0; Dictionary map = new Dictionary(){ {"M",1000}, { ...

Difference between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code

h2.Visual Studio Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile ...

How to call REST API Post Method using C#

What does a REST API do? A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows f ...

How to call asynchronous method from synchronous method in C#?

h2.What is an async method in C#? An async method runs synchronously until it reaches its first await statement, and the method will be suspended until the awaited task is completed. In the meantime ...

The table must contain row sections in order of header, body, then footer.

This is a common exception when you use PagerSettings to GridView in Pager Settings Position is trying to generate a Pager above the head or below the footer or both. here is GridView Set ...

What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight format for storing and transporting data. JSON is "self-describing" and easy to understand JSON examples JSON Data represents a Na ...

Access Modifiers in C# Programming

What is an Access Modifier? In Object oriented Programming, all types and type members have an accessibility levels. The accessibility level controls whether they can be used from other code in y ...

Remove rows from datatable based on a List using Linq

I have a DataTable with some data and a exclusion List like below ExamData (datatable) |Exam|Year Completed| |AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals|2019| |DP-900: Azure Data Fundamentals|2021| ...