Defining a Data Source

To define a data source, you’ll use the Data Source Wizard. You can launch this wizard by right-clicking on the Data Sources folder in your new Analysis Services project. The wizard will walk you through the process of defining a data source for your cube, including choosing a connection and specifying security credentials to be used to connect to the data source.

To define a data source for the new cube, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Data Sources folder in Solution Explorer and select New Data Source.
  2. Read the first page of the Data Source Wizard and click Next. 
  3. You can base a data source on a new or an existing connection. Because you don’t have any existing connections, click New. 
  4. In the Connection Manager dialog box, select the server containing your analysis services sample database from the Server Name combo box. 
  5. Fill in your authentication information. 
  6. Select the Native OLE DB\SQL Native Client provider (this is the default provider). 
  7. Select the AdventureWorksDW database.

  8. Click OK to dismiss the Connection Manager dialog box. 
  9. Click Next. 
  10. Select Default impersonation information to use the credentials you just supplied for the connection and click Next. 
  11. Accept the default data source name and click Finish.